Summer Roller Skating Checklist

Whether you’re preparing for SkateLove, wanting to learn new things, crushing your own personal goals, showing off to your friends, or cruisin’ and having a good time, here are…

My must-learn skills for the summer!

Every small step you take towards your goals is a victory in itself. It's not about achieving perfection overnight, but about consistent progress and personal growth. Keep in mind that this is your journey. We’re all different. So, do your thing and don’t worry about comparing yourself to anyone else. It’s a waste of time! Embrace your own pace and celebrate your personal victories, no matter how small they may seem to you. Every step is a big deal! And I’m right here to remind you. Let me know if you need a little extra encouragement. Progress over perfection.

Share your progress with me and our community on Discord! Together, we can inspire each other to keep pushing forward and cheer on one another as we bring this summer to a close.

Embrace the sweat, the sore muscles, and the hard work on your way to becoming a healthier, happier, and more confident you…on wheels and not.

You’re amazing! Trust the process, stay committed, and let’s have fun!!!!

To gain access to all of these videos and so much more, check out my Memberships here or on YouTube!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know if you would like further guidance. You can book private lessons right here!

Outer Forward Edges

Edges are the most important skills to learn on roller skates and we start with the outer forward edge. Pressing to the outer edge means that you are focusing your weight into the outer part of your foot. We call it an outer forward edge because we are pressing to the outside edge while traveling forward. No matter what level skater you are, this is a very important skill to start with and come back to over and over again.

Where to find this video:

Strong Outer Forward Edges - Skills page (edges section) [Link: Website, YouTube]


Inner Forward Edges

After we’ve learned how to press to the outer forward edge, we can move onto the inner forward edge. We use our inner forward edges in so many different skills like Scissors and Forward Cross Overs or Cross Pulls. If you want to challenge yourself to work on more edges, try both of these backward: Outer Back Edges and Inner Back Edges.

Where to find this video:

Inner Forward Edges - Skills page (forward skating section) [Link: Website, YouTube]



Aka. The Tik Tok Walk. Oh yes! This was the move that got a lot of people into roller skating in 2020 and for that, I am forever grateful. While this is a super cool dance move, it is also a very useful skill. The strut walk helps us learn and practice the transferring of weight from one foot to the other.

Where to find this video:

Strut Walk - Skills page (backward skating section) [Link: Website, YouTube]



The dribble is similar to the strut walk in transfer of weight, but we can keep both feet fully on the ground instead of lifting them up! This gif actually shows a “slingshot”. Once you’re comfortable with your dribble, you can start to press inner back edges to create a slingshot from side to side. This skill is perfect for small spaces and can be practiced just about anywhere!

Where to find this video:

Dribble - Skills page (dance section) [Link: Website, YouTube]



The downtown is a series of crosses in front and in back. It is also one of the most important skills to learn if you plan on attending a skating event. This is the one move that skaters of all levels can do together as a big group and it looks soooo cool when done in sync.

Where to find this video:

Downtown - Skills page (dance section) [Link: Website, YouTube]



Last but certainly not least...We can’t forget about our crazy legs! Try not to rush your movement on this skill. Pay attention to your shapes and rhythm. I like to drill my crazy legs in steps and eventually blend it all together to create this flowy, “crazy”, movement. Crazy legs can take a lot of time and patience to learn, so be nice to yourself and know that this is not an easy skill for everyone.

Where to find this video:

Crazy Legs - Skills page (dance section) [Link: Website, YouTube]


I hope you have fun learning and working on these skills! I am so proud of you for taking the time to challenge your mind and body. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like extra help.

Please check out my Memberships here or on YouTube!

And if you would like to focus more on fitness off-skates and mindfulness, please check out the Memberships at I provide 10-minute or less workouts to help you feel energized at any point in the day!

Have a lovely summer ☀️


August 2023 Practice Schedule


My Everyday Makeup with Links