…and i’m just gettinG started!

I have embarked on a new journey to become the healthiest I can be by my birthday (June 20th). Skating has always been a great (and my favorite) form of exercise, but my diet has needed an overhaul for quite some time.

Growing up in competitive roller skating, I trained for hours almost every day. Food needed to be quick and dirty (not literally, but you know what I mean). I grew up with 3 brothers and parents who taught skating for most of the day, which meant we were all exhausted by the time we left the rink. Quick dinners to feed 6 were a must so that we could get home and finish homework before going to bed. Sooo, not much thought was put into what I was feeding my body while growing up. This is not meant to put my family on blast - my parents truly did their best to give us what our bodies needed.

What I didn’t care to do was invest in the knowledge needed to carry me through life. What we put into our bodies is soooo important and I am finally realizing this. It’s about time!

I have met with a nutritionist and have started to train my body in new and exciting ways to see what I am capable of. It’s not easy and it’s not always fun, but I am very excited to see what can come of it…and I plan to take you on this journey with me!

I will be talking more about this on YouTube and Instagram in the future, but for now we can chat on Discord! Our community on Discord is the absolute best…shout out to you, Quad Society!


What’s Happening in Skating - July 2022
